Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Celebrate National Cheese Day With Cheesecake Factory!

First of all, if you are a cheese-crazy like me, Happy Cheesecake Day!

In celebration of the National Cheesecake Day today, the Cheesecake Factory is offering any of its special cheesecake slices for just $1.50! If you ask me, that's the most discounted price you can ever get with one of such cheesecake slices costing as much as $8 to $10!

This will, however, only be available at The Cheesecake Factory on July 30, 2008, with a limit, however, of one cheesecake slice per guest.


Is Cuil A Disaster!

Let alone be a googleslayer or a google-killer, Cuil, a newly launched search engine claiming of having 120 billion indexed pages, a lot more than google's total indexed pages, has turned to be a disaster search engine!

The results that Cuil is returning isn't interesting at all and far worse, when Cuil is pairing images with sets of search results, it is often choosing random images!

A lot more worse news, Cuil doesn't even show its homepage as the first search result if you type its keyword, "Cuil" in the search engine! It seems that with such poor search engine delivery, Cuil will turn to be a bigger disaster because of such bigger hypes in the past of claiming to be a better alternative to Google.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Microsoft Goes After Google - Initiates BrowseRank As An Alternative For Google's PageRank!

It is interesting to know that Microsoft is also coming up with a separate, different algorithm for page ranking termed as "BrowseRank"

The paper as published in regarding BrowseRank describes the downside of Google's PageRank and describes how the "BrowseRank" fills in the downside hole of the Google's PageRank.

BrowseRank is claimed to use browsing behaviors such as analyzing user's web browsing history, etc. (I hope it does not try to invade privacy) and in addition look towards how long a user stayed on a particular page, etc.

The paper states BrowseRank will prove to be a much more reliable means of page ranking that the current PageRank or TrustRank algorithm.

My Blog Is PR1!

Okay. This really came as a surprise to me as my blog, has been PR0 for the past so many months, and when I checked it today, it was PR1.

I guess now since it is PR1, I'll need to maintain this page rank. Hopefully, I'll be able to generate some reasonable income with my blog.

I would also like to join paid postings such as Payperpost, so wish me luck!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Paint Table - Illusion Gadget Table With Paint Drips As Legs

What do you perceive this to be? A wonderful art?

No! This a concept of a cool table! Yes, a concept of a table designed by a French Designer by name John Nouanesing.

I hope we can soon find these kinds of table in the market.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Aliens Are Real!

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon is claiming that aliens are real and have made human contact.

According to him, on an article, he said that aliens have made contacts but it has been well covered up for the past 60 years!

"I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been
visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real. It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it," Dr. Edgar Mitchell quoted.

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile, we'd soon have been gone!"

Auto Insurance - Tips & Tricks

When you come to the Auto Insurance, you want to be adequately covered if you get in an accident.

So how can you navigate your way through the Auto Insurance?

How Much Coverage Do You Need For the Auto Insurance?

These are the key Auto Insurance notes that you need to note first. To find the right auto insurance, start by figuring out the amount of coverage you need

This varies from state to state. So take a moment to find out what coverage is required where you live.

Make a list of the different types of coverage for the auto insurance and then return for the next step. After that, start reviewing your driving record and current insurance policy, start soliciting competitive quotes, and comparing those quotes, and you will end up with a perfect auto insurance! And Hey, looking for any auto insurance discounts is always favorable and be sure to review the policy before you sign up.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Have You Ever Heard Of Chickipedia?

There are so many encyclopedias in the Internet, and I never thought there was some encyclopedia for women as well known as Chickipedia! is the first encyclopedia for all the the sexy and famous women and so in this encyclopedia, so you can find almost any information regarding famous women in this site. You can find information on more than over 4000 chicks from domains like fashion, politics, music, tv, sports, and many more!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Eclipse On This Coming Friday, August 1

On August 1, 2008, the sun will be partially eclipsed over the western and central Asia, parts of central and northern Europe, as well as all of Greenland and even a small slice of northeastern North America.

This total solar eclipse will be visible, starting over the Northwest Passage of Canada. This eclipse is the first in nearly two and half years.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Blog Review

If you want to stay abreast with the technology updates, software reviews, gadgets, computers and laptops, and a variety of interesting posts, then the site Best Of Enfotainer is perfect for you.

You can find a variety of interesting posts for technology updates, software reviews, gadgets, computers, laptops, and some tips and tweaks as well. So feel free to surf through the site.